Summer: A Time for Reflection and Growth
Explore how summer reflection can boost your personal growth and help you navigate life’s changes. Discover practical tips for harnessing this season to clarify your goals and trust your intuition. Read more to transform your summer introspection into actionable insights.
Why Is This importanT Now ? understanding Life Coaching Through Key Questions
Why Is This Important Now? Understanding the power of life coaching through key questions.
4 steps to turn dreams into reality
4 steps to cut overwhelm, cut anxiety, cut doubt .How to use a series of small things to make great things happen.
How do you speak to yourself: procrastination and self-sabotage.
What do you choose to put on your plate? You take the things you like, the things you find tasty, and the things you will enjoy. There is always just enough space for an extra treat.
Would you remove a favorite pie, that makes your taste buds excited, for something you disliked, or won't enjoy?
if working isn’t life, what is it?
A LinkedIn post drew attention to the phrase 'work-life balance'. The discussion focused on the fact the phrase makes us think negatively about work.