Life changes and as it changes we are anew. Intentionally, or inevitably, rapidly or stealthily, we become engulfed by new experiences, new feelings, new ideas and new thoughts; we are anew.
Sometimes our new world isn't cracked up to what we thought it would be and we are challenged, disappointed and confused.
We get advice and are often told that ‘this’ is the way to deal with it. We are suggested books to read and podcasts to listen to and our friends share stories and wisdom on how they overcame similar scenarios. We feel the love of our friends, warmth from the fact that others have been ’here’ before. And we become knowledgeable from tips and facts. But our own path has not revealed itself.
And this is where Piaget comes to my mind. In my original professional as a teacher I learnt, believed and practiced the following:
‘Each time one prematurely teaches a child something he could have discovered himself,
that child is kept from understanding completely.’ Jean Piaget (1896–1980)
Through trial and error, experimentation through play and practice children learn and discover. The key is, they learn what they are ready to learn and learn it their way. It’s the foundation of their full understanding. If they are taught it, vital nuances may go unprocessed or never fully understood. They won't be fully confident in all its working and machinations. Piaget talks about each child ‘re-inventing it’…they must do it their own way in order to own it.
Now as a personal development and life coach, I ask:
Why can't adults do the same?
Why do we assume that adults have to be told?
Do we lose naivety?
Are we letting assumptions rule our choices?
How often do you explore your notions without interference, interjections or someone holding up their opinion?
Of course, you have discernment (you shouldn't fit a new gas boiler if you're not qualified!) But what about the personal discoveries when we are anew:
‘What shall I do now?’
‘How do I overcome this?’’
‘I can't decide what to do '.
Your own discoveries around the solution to such problems will buy total understanding of yourself and ownership of the solution.
Value your dreams and visions. Ask yourself:
‘How might I feel if I…and then…what might I do and how might I feel…?’
‘And if I didn’t or do not… then what might happen and how might I feel…?’
You will be allowing your intuition to guide you through.
And then you will seek the support you need when you are ready:
‘…I know what I want, do I need help to do it?’
‘What sort of help do I need?’
Trust yourself and know that what you are learning, your way, will serve you a lifetime and will reveal your way forward.
‘That which we allow him to discover by himself will remain with him visibly for the rest of his life.’ Piaget
If you find yourself engulfed, disappointed, or confused about your world then unbiased coaching can help. As a qualified coach, I facilitate creative coaching conversations that will enable you to discover, understand, create, and own your future.