if working isn’t life, what is it?
A LinkedIn post drew attention to the phrase 'work-life balance'.
The discussion focused on the fact the phrase makes us think negatively about work. Opposing life against work means we are doing one or the other.
But if working isn’t life, what is it?
Work provides meaning, satisfaction, sense of purpose. It is a place to be sociable, share and care, thrive and develop. And if your work is your own business, it is the place of your dreams.
Talk to someone who can longer work - or can't perform their role any longer - or who is unemployed struggling to get a job they really want - or is caring for relatives or children, or someone who has retired.
For some of these individuals, their life is their work, though not as conventional employment. And for some of these individuals being able to work would be a privilege.
Ultimately the need for an income dictates how, when and why we work.
So let’s ditch the negative stigma attached to ‘work/life’ and change our perspective.
How about work/family, work/health, and work/home instead?
I hope this helps you see things differently.
Perhaps it will bring into focus the quality of life you have at work rather than just the time you spend there.
Would you like to make some changes to the balance in your life but need support in defining how this is going to happen and what the future could be?
Do you have negative feelings about the work you do?
Coaching could help. You’ll get answers
much quicker with it.
image: pickled-stardust-xBYsohNqXs0-unsplash.jpg